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I have been working with Lori for 4 months.
She is knowledgeable, dedicated,
honest and  very insightful. 
Lori created a safe space for me to
explore my ADHD.
We worked on positivity first and foremost. 
I now understand neuroplasticity!
I am now really self-aware.
We have worked on many different areas of my life including career and relationships.
I have learned a lot about myself. 
Even though I was diagnosed and medicated since childhood, I had no idea how much
ADHD has impacted my life. 
I have learned to love and forgive myself. 
I have gained confidence and can now
manage my emotions and my new life! 
Adam, NY

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Coach Lori is changing my life.  I found out I had ADHD at 56 after my son was diagnosed. When Lori and I first met, she told me her story of ADHD and how
her whole outlook has changed since she was diagnosed.   
I didn't really believe that was possible for me and so I was skeptical.  I believed her but I didn't believe her.
When we started coaching she told me about positive mindset.  I yawned.  
I really didn't want to do the "rainbow list" where I had to go back and write down all of my lifelong accomplishments. 
I didn't want to stop during my day and do breathing exercises and notice if my thoughts were positive or negative.  
When we talked about my strengths, I didn't get it.
And I thought it was silly to write down all of my daily wins so that I went to bed in a positive mood.  
But then I went to a family gathering.  I am usually really nervous but this time I wasn't.  I had a plan for what I would do if I got overwhelmed.  But I didn't have the usual meltdowns when I thought someone was criticizing me. 
And I even stood up to my older brother when he told my ADHD son that ADHD was just an excuse. 
I didn't even realize all of this until I spoke about it with Lori.  She pointed out all of these things that I never would have been able to do before.  She was right.  I was pretty astonished when I realize how I had handled all of this! 
But it was true.  I realized that my thinking has changed. 
I have a lot more work to do but I am now hopeful.
Courtney, SC

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Since I started coaching with Lori,
I feel like I've woken up.  When I started with coaching I wanted to work on being more organized.  But Lori said we needed to work on mindset first because if we worked on organization, the changes wouldn't stick.  
Now, I've learned so much about myself and how ADHD has affected how I think. 
I've stopped criticizing myself and
now I focus on my strengths and all of the things that I do well.
I have learned the "power of the pause".
I have also learned some organizing techniquest.
My family has noticed big changes! 
My husband in particular sees how much better
I am doing in everyday life. 
So now, at the end of each day,
we celebrate our successes
and practice gratitude.
My outlook on life has completely changed, and I look forward to getting out of bed in the morning.
Kris, Lisbon Portugal

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